Would a companion non-wheelchair user be able to sit next to the wheelchair user? My experience with the closet so far leads me to think it wouldn’t be a loss to lose it - with multiple trips on an aircraft every year for the last 7 years has been one version or another of “we don’t have a wheelchair closet…that doesn’t exist…that’s for our bags.” Just two days ago, I had a flight attendant argue it was in her contract that her baggage went there over any wheelchair - she wouldn’t LET IT GO but followed me to berate me. I have been bullied by a pilot and nearly kicked off a flight - only for demanding our right to have our collapsible wheelchair (which we purchased just for flying!) in the designated closet. I have had only 1 flight where we were automatically allowed to use the closet (and we did) but we had to lift it cause for some reason the closet was not in the front of the aircraft. Even the new law requiring a wheelchair onboard seems to be a new reason to deny use of the closet as I’ve now also heard “it’s a closet for the airplane wheelchair only” all to say, I would hope any designated space as long as a companion is allowed, should be better than this ever anxiety producing experience. But who knows as ableism is thriving
Would a companion non-wheelchair user be able to sit next to the wheelchair user? My experience with the closet so far leads me to think it wouldn’t be a loss to lose it - with multiple trips on an aircraft every year for the last 7 years has been one version or another of “we don’t have a wheelchair closet…that doesn’t exist…that’s for our bags.” Just two days ago, I had a flight attendant argue it was in her contract that her baggage went there over any wheelchair - she wouldn’t LET IT GO but followed me to berate me. I have been bullied by a pilot and nearly kicked off a flight - only for demanding our right to have our collapsible wheelchair (which we purchased just for flying!) in the designated closet. I have had only 1 flight where we were automatically allowed to use the closet (and we did) but we had to lift it cause for some reason the closet was not in the front of the aircraft. Even the new law requiring a wheelchair onboard seems to be a new reason to deny use of the closet as I’ve now also heard “it’s a closet for the airplane wheelchair only” all to say, I would hope any designated space as long as a companion is allowed, should be better than this ever anxiety producing experience. But who knows as ableism is thriving
We can't wait!!!